intro text
Play-practice-play is a teaching method which utilizes gameplay to instruct players of practical soccer knowledge and skills.
Every practice is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: Play
This stage starts at the moment the first player shows up and continues for 10-15 minutes after all players have arrived.
- Set up goals on either side of the practice area.
- Play coaches vs. players up to 3 players.
- With 4 or more players, divide your players into 2 teams using pinnies, adding more players as they arrive and keeping the sides balanced.
- Interrupt as little as possible to encourage improvisation and trystorming (trying and brain storming).
- Take note of what aspects of the gameplay need work. These inform you of what you want to focus on for the practice stage.
Stage 2: Practice
Your players have shown you the strategies and techniques they are thinking about in a game play situation (Stage 1). Use 2-3 exercises or mini-games to work on a specific game aspect you noticed during the first stage.
- Take a moment to talk about the positive parts of their game play and what you think can be improved with your practice ideas.
- Use mini games and drills that focus specifically on the improvements you want to make (defense, playing a zone, passing, etc.).
- Before each exercise, explain its purpose and how it connects with their game play.
- After each exercise (and maybe a water break), ask your players open questions (what/where/why/how) about their thoughts on the exercise and how it relates to a game.
- There's no harm in revisiting a specific mini-game to reinforce ideas, especially if it looks like a team favorite.
Stage 3: Play
This final play session gives your players a chance to plug in the ideas you focused on in the Practice stage.
Remember: it often takes a few days for these ideas to really permeate your player's thought processes and several more rounds of play before they make their way into your player's actions on the field.
- For 6U/8U divisions, this final stage can be the 6:45-7:15 game during each meet.
- Divide your players into 2 balanced teams, bonus if these teams don't resemble the ones from the first Practice stage.
- Once again, keep your interruptions to a minimum.
- Finish up the practice by gathering your players and providing some closing remarks, team cheer, etc.
More Resources For Play-Practice-Play
Detailed descriptions of play-practice-play theory and implementation:
Practice plans using play-practice-play:
And a podcast: