Setting Up Your Practices for 10U & Older

When to Practice

When to Practice

Unlike younger divisions which have combined games and practices at the same meet, you will be setting the time and location of your practices. Some things to keep in mind:

  • You should start practicing as soon as you can to get your team familiar with each other and working together.
    • Rosters are made available during the first week of May.
    • Games start the third full week of May.
  • Your games will always fall on the same days of the week although not on all days on all weeks:
    • Girls = Tuesdays and Thursdays
    • Boys = Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Setting a consistent weekly practice and place makes planning easier.
  • Games are always scheduled for the same days of the week around the same times, but they don't take place on all days of all weeks.  Practices can be scheduled on these "off" days.
  • Additional practices on weekend mornings are the most ideal (coolest part of the day, least number of other sports meeting).

Where to Practice

Where to Practice

Your practice does not have to be on regulation fields to be an effective practice.  We do recommend it take place on grass, but all you need otherwise are some cones and a ball (supplied).

Buckland Park

Fields 21/22 are reserved for BSL all summer. Note, 6U and 8U use these fields 6:15-7:15 Monday-Thursday.  Other fields are available if not occupied.


Brighton Memorial Library

Field behind the library is open for use although no official reservation exist.  Don't use on Mondays (parking lot is used by Brighton Town Courts).

Starting Out the Season

Starting Out the Season

Your players will be playing soccer with [almost] the same rules as seen in the World Cup, with some modifications.

  • Review what is expected and allowed on our Rules page.
  • Be sure to start the season off with a review of the basics.
  • Establish team work and good sporting as important parts to the game early on and throughout the season. 

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