Age brackets

Age brackets

How are the divisions divided?


Player Age

as of December 31st in the current year

6U Coed 5 or 6 Years Old
8U Coed 7 or 8 Years Old
10U Girls & Boys 9 or 10 Years Old
13U Girls & Boys 11, 12 or 13 Years Old
16U Girls & Boys 14, 15 or 16 Years Old


My player will be participating in other soccer leagues this season, are they eligible to play in BSL?

If your player is registered to play with a competitive soccer league (for example, Brighton Football Club, River Flow Soccer, any team in RDYSL), they cannot register with BSL.  All players who register with competitive soccer leagues are checked against our player rosters at the beginning of the season. Anyone on both lists will be asked to leave their BSL team for the remainder of the season.


I'm worried about my player participating in the division they are assigned due to their maturity/size; can I have them play in a younger division?

An objective behind recreational play is creating an atmosphere that embraces all skill levels, shapes and sizes. This includes making sure our youngest and most inexperienced players know that they have a place on their team. In addition, we've found that players meet the demands of play at the level they are placed quite rapidly and placing a player in a younger league than their age often offers no benefits to their growth in the sport.


My player is particularly advanced, can I register them in an older division?

For any player seeking to challenge themselves by playing at a skill level higher than recreational play, consider trying out for any any of the competitive soccer clubs (see the FAQ on Travel Soccer).