Weather head

Weather head

Games are held rain or shine to get the most play out of our short season. However, we prioritize player safety above all so cancellations are made if thunderstorms, high heat, or tornados are expected during the scheduled game.

Weather related cancellations are made within the hour preceding a game by the BSL board president and notices are sent out to all affected divisions by e-mail.  For example: the earliest you would receive an e-mail indicating the cancellation of a game starting at 6:15 PM is at 5:15 PM.

Refer to the following table for who makes the cancellation decisions and when:

Division Meet Who can cancel When you will be informed
6U & 8U  Practices & Games BSL President Within 1 hour of start
10U & 13U Practices Coaches Coaches' discretion
Games BSL President Within 1 hour of start